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Getting Started

I want to                         

  1. Cryopreserve sperm from my strain
  2. Submit information about a strain
  3. Find a mouse strain
  4. Request interest in a mouse strain, gene or phenotype not currently in the database
  5. Request reanimation of strain from frozen stock

Photo courtesy of APN

Cryopreserve sperm from my strain

To accept mice for cryopreservation of your strain you will first need to submit the strain information.  Please see "Submit information about a strain"

For information about the cryopreservation service click here

Submission of mice

To submit mice for cryopreservation follow the instructions below:

  1. First determine whether you want to cryopreserve a new strain or an existing strain that has been submitted in the past. 
  2. If you are submitting a new strain select "Submit a new strain"
  3. If you are submitting an existing strain select one of the following:
    • If you asked for your strain to be restricted when submitting the strain information you will not be able to search for it. In this case please select "My Strain is Restricted"
    • If your strain is not restricted select "Find My Unrestricted Strain"
  4. If you know the Strain ID that was assigned when you submitted the strain enter this into the "Find a strain by ID:" box. If you have the strain name enter it into the "Search the PhenomeBank for:" box
    • Please note that it is sometimes best to search for part of a strain name as the search will not find a match unless the entry is typed correctly.Once you have found your strain, check that the deails are correct - please inform us of any amendments that need to be made by clicking here
  5. Click "Request Cryopreservation"
  6. This will take you to the cryopreservation request page where you will be required to enter the following information:
    • Contact details
    • Animal facility contact - to supply health reports
    • Mouse information including: Mouse ID, facility, D.O.B, genotype, coat colour
  7. After entering all required information on the cryopreservation request form click "Submit"

You will receive an automated email from the database confirming receipt of the request This receipt will provide you with a Cryopreservation Request ID number.

To find out what happens after this click here


Submit information about a strain

  1. Click on the following link: Submit a New Strain
    • If this is your first submission you will need to "Create a Strain from scratch"
    • If you have previously submitted strain information for a similar strain, many of the fields can be pre-populated. To pre-populate strain information fields click the "Create a Strain using details from existing strain" button and then enter the ID number of that strain.
    • To pre-populate the researcher / information submitter fields check the"Has the investigator submitted a Strain before?" box and enter the email address of the researcher.
  2. Complete the fields with a red *
    • The software will not let you continue to the next page without entering data in these fields.
    • While it is not necessary to complete each field, the more information provided the more useful the database will be.
  3. For published strains please provide links to any papers to enable the APB Curator to populate blank fields.
  4. Click “add” button
    • The strain entry is lodged into a quarantine area of the database for Curation before release into the database.
    • You will receive an email confirming receipt of the submission.
    • You can then submit another strain or proceed to "submit mice for cryopreservation" where you can enter the individual mouse details for the mice you wish to send.

PLEASE NOTE: If you have selected “restricted” access to the strain, the information will only be available to you during the current browser session. Once you leave the browser all of the information concerning this strain will be restricted to APB staff only.  It is not possible to search for restricted strains.  Please follow the instructions for submitting mice for a restricted strain.

Find a mouse strain

  1. Click “Find strains
  2. You may enter any keyword into the  “Search the PhenomeBank for” text box.
  3. If you already know the APB ID number you may enter this directly into the “Find strain by ID” text box.
  4. For more specific searches you can click the "Advanced search" hyperlink and enter the Strain name, the affected gene or phenotype into the appropriate text boxes.
  5. You may also limit the search to a chromosome or mutation type. For example clicking on “Chemically induced” box, will limit the search to those strains where the genetic mutation was induced by a chemical being administered to the mouse strain.
  6. Click "Find strains".
  7. Results will return in groups of 20 and can be ordered by name, gene, allele or ID.
    • The total number of “hits" will display in the top RHS of the list.

If you perform further searches make sure you clear the text boxes as any existing text, selected chromosome or mutation type will influence the new search.

Please note that it is sometimes best to search for part of a strain name as the search will not find a match unless the entry is typed correctly.Once you have found your strain, check that the deails are correct - please inform us of any amendments that need to be made by clicking here

Request interest in a mouse strain, gene or phenotype not currently in the database

If you would like to receive an notification each time a strain with a certain strain, gene or phenotype is added to the database

  1. Click “Register Interest” on the LHS menu.
  2. Fill in the appropriate fields.
    • Each week the software will search the database for new or updated strain entries and match them to your request. If a strain that matches is found you will receive an email.  This search will continue every week. You will only be notified about a particular strain once, unless information about this strain is updated at a later date.

Request reanimiation

If you would like to receive a quote for reanimation of a strain from frozen stock:

  1. Find the strain you would like to request IVF reanimation for.
  2. Review the strain information
  3. Click "Request reanimation"
  4. Enter the appropriate details into the reanimation request form
  5. Click "Submit"

The APB will then provide you with a written quote.  For more information about the reanimation services click here.


Build: 2024.09.13 Non-profit supported by the Australian government  |  © Copyright 2024 Australian Phenomics Facility Last updated: 24/10/2024