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Database of Genetically Modified Murine Strains

Until now, it has been quite difficult for researchers to determine whether a particular strain of mouse already exists in Australia. Several societies have put considerable effort into establishing databases of murine strains however they have not had the resources to maintain or expand these databases.

Through an NHMRC Enabling grant the Australian Phenomics Network (APN) has developed an Internet accessible database of murine strains housed in Australia. This database has been titled The NHMRC PhenomeBank. The PhenomeBank database provides Australian researchers with a central location to gain information about strains of mice maintained in Australia, whether alive or cryopreserved. This database will be accessible to all researchers.

Currently, the database can be used to identify whether mice carrying mutations in a particular gene exist within Australia. Future versions of the database will allow researchers interested in a particular disease or developmental stage to search the PhenomeBank database for mice harbouring abnormalities within specific organs, tissues or cell types or biological functions resulting in disease or developmental abnormalities.

The PhenomeBank is always improving and more strains are being listed weekly and the maintenance of strain data will be ongoing.

The databases established by ANZSLAS and ANZSCDBI have been incorporated into the PhenomeBank. The strains housed at APF and the ENU mutants generated from library screens have and are also being incorporated into the database as they are identified.

The PhenomeBank database will foster exchange and expertise and minimise duplication of mouse resources.

We welcome feedback on how to improve the database and if data errors are identified please Contact Us.

Build: 2024.09.13 Non-profit supported by the Australian government  |  © Copyright 2024 Australian Phenomics Facility Last updated: 17/10/2024