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Federation of International Mouse Resources

The APF is a founding member of Federation of International Mouse Resources (FIMRe). Through this membership we can provide Australian researchers with access to murine strains worldwide.

The goals of FIMRe are to coordinate repositories and resource centers to:

  1. archive valuable genetically defined mice and ES cell lines being created worldwide,
  2. meet research demand for these genetically defined mice and ES cell lines,
  3. establish consistent, highest quality animal health standards in all resource centers,
  4. provide genetic verification and quality control for genetic background and mutations,
  5. provide resource training to enhance user ability to utilize cryopreserved resources.

An article describing FIMRe was published in Mammalian Genetics last April. It can be obtained here.

The web site is still under development and will provide more information in the future.

Build: 2024.09.13 Non-profit supported by the Australian government  |  © Copyright 2024 Australian Phenomics Facility Last updated: 17/10/2024