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Glossary of Terms


Unique identification code assigned by APF. Please use this number to order strain.

Common Name

The strain name used in the laboratory.

Strain Designation

Official name assigned to the strain by MGI.


Mouse Genome Informatics

MGI Strain Accession ID

Unique identification code issued by MGI to identify strain.

Strain Type

How strain was generated, e.g. inbred, mutant.

Affected Gene Symbol

Abbreviated gene name.

MGI Gene Accession ID

Unique identification code issued by MGI to identify strain.


Gene also identified by these names.

Allele Name

Name given to this alternate form of the gene.

Allele symbol

Abbreviated allele name.

MGI Allele Accession ID

Unique identification code issued by MGI to identify allele.

Mutation type

How mutation was generated.

Chromosome Location

Altered gene is located on this chromosome.

Do similar mutants exist?

Are there other known strains carrying mutations in this gene?

Protein expression

Has the mutation affected the expressed protein levels, by how much?


Identity of altered nucleotide and corresponding amino acid.

Flanking microsatellite markers

Microsatellite markers are used to map mutated gene locations. The mutated gene lies between these markers.


Position of microsatellite markers in centiMorgans.


Position of microsatellite markers in Megabases.

Candidate gene

Of the genes that lie within chromosome area defined by the microsatellite markers the most likely genes to be involved with this strain are...

How is the strain identified?

Mutant mice are identified by genotyping or phenotyping.

Characteristics assayed

This mutant strain has been already been assayed/characterised for the following parameters.


  1. Mouse Hepatitis Virus
  2. Minute Virus of Mice
  3. Mouse Parvovirus
  4. Mouse Rotavirus
  5. Murine Cytomegalovirus
  6. Pneumonia Virus of Mice
  7. Sendai Virus
  8. Mycoplasma Pulmonis
  9. Mouse Adenovirus
  10. Reovirus Type 3
  11. Ectromelia Virus
  12. Hantavirus
  13. Polyoma virus
  14. Encephalitozoon Cuniculi
  15. Cilia Associated Respiratory Bacillus
  16. Clostridum Piliforme
  17. Helicobacter SPP
  18. Helicobacter Hepaticus
  19. Pasteurella SPP
  20. Pasteurella Pneumotropica
  21. Bordetella Bronchiseptica
  22. Klebsiella Pneumoniae
  23. Streptococcus Pneumoniae
  24. Pseudomonas Aeruginosa
  25. Corynebacterium Kutscheri
  26. Citrobacter Freundii
  27. Salmonella SPP
  28. Spironucleus SPP
  29. Giardia SPP
  30. Entamoeba Muri
  31. Eimeria SPP (Intestinal)
  32. Intestinal Worms
  33. Klosiella SPP
  34. Arthropods
  35. Other Organisms
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